Maureen Taylor Photograph Collection


Maureen Taylor Photograph Collection


Documentary photographs taken by Maureen Taylor of Providence over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Maureen Taylor


June 2023

Collection Items

Westminster St after the riots
An overview of boarded up storefronts on Westminster St.

Covid Alert
Schools closing for two weeks. Governor Raimondo press conference.

Boarded up storefronts
Boarded-up storefronts, Broadway, Providence, RI

Mayor speaking after protests
Mayor Elorza speaking to press after protests

St. Pierre's Shoes damage
Damage at St. Pierre's Shoes

Seeking Shelter at Biltmore
Homeless individual seeking shelter at Biltmore hotel.

Quality Cleaners damage during Black Lives Matter protests
Cleaning up the aftermath of the protests at Quality Cleaners

The Dorrance boarded up
The Dorrance boarded up for Black Lives Matter protests

Black Lives Matter protest
The Grange Restaurant on Broadway, Providence. Boarded up for protests

Black Lives Matter art
Mural of Breonna Taylor on Westminster St, Providence, RI
View all 19 items

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